
The First Step for Python Asyncio with Coroutines

2017-10-24 14:30:00 +0000
Python3, tutorial


Let’s first look at the spinner example from the book Fluent Python, chapter 18. The below Python program runs a loading spinner while it simulates a time-consuming job.

import asyncio
import itertools
import sys

def spin(message):
    write, flush = sys.stdout.write, sys.stdout.flush
    for char in itertools.cycle('|/-\\'):
        status = char + ' ' + message
	leng = len(status)
	write('\x08' * leng)
	    yield from asyncio.sleep(.1)
	except asyncio.CancelledError:
    write(' ' * leng + '\x08' * leng)

def heavy_work():
    # pretend waiting a long time for I/O
    yield from asyncio.sleep(5)
    return 42

def supervisor():
    spinner = asyncio.async(spin('thinking ...'))
    print('spinner object: ', spinner)
    result = yield from heavy_work()
    return result

def main():
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    result = loop.run_until_complete(supervisor())
    print('answer: ', result)

if __name__ == '__main__':

The asyncio constructs concurrency with coroutines driven by an event loop.

Please note that the latest version of Python when the book has been written was 3.4, when async and await keywords were not there yet. Here goes 3.5 version of the spinner example.

async def spin(message):
    write, flush = sys.stdout.write, sys.stdout.flush
    for char in itertools.cycle('|/-\\'):
        status = char + ' ' + message
	leng = len(status)
	write('\x08' * leng)
	    await asyncio.sleep(.1)
	except asyncio.CancelledError:
    write(' ' * leng + '\x08' * leng)

async def heavy_work():
    # pretend waiting a long time for I/O
    await asyncio.sleep(5)
    return 42

async def supervisor():
    spinner = asyncio.ensure_future(spin('thinking ...'))
    print('spinner object: ', spinner)
    resut = await heavy_work()
    return result

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main()  # main is the same


Before asyncio arrived, there was not a strict distinction between a generator and a coroutine. Sometimes one could tell “this is a coroutine” because it contains the = yield syntax (implying coroutines are for data pipe-lining), but it does not apply always.

A traditional coroutine focuses to deal with data as its consumer sends data (or exceptions) to it. It naturally controls its states via = yield syntax, e.g., it runs until it hits yield and waits for a consumer to send data. In other words, it acts in a concurrent manner.

With the advent of Python asyncio as standard library, PEP 3156 made the distinction of @asyncio.coroutine-decorated coroutine for the suitable use of coroutines with asyncio. And this coroutine is called generator-based coroutine after the invention of native coroutines.

As coroutines have done crucial roles in asynchronous works for Python, Python 3.5 introduced native coroutines with brand-new async and await keywords, to make the significant difference of coroutines, especially with asyncio.

So, as the new keywords imply, native coroutines seem to take more weights on this waiting behavior for asynchronous handling in a single thread.

Traditional vs. native coroutines

According to PEP 492,

The following syntax is used to declare a native coroutine:

async def read_data(db):

Key properties of coroutines:

  • async def functions are always coroutines, even if they do not contain await expressions.
  • It is a SyntaxError to have yield or yield from expressions in an async function.
  • Internally, two new code object flags were introduced:
    • CO_COROUTINE is used to mark native coroutines (defined with new syntax).
    • CO_ITERABLE_COROUTINE is used to make generator-based coroutines compatible with native coroutines (set by `types.coroutine() function).
  • Regular generators, when called, return a generator object; similarly, coroutines return a coroutine object.
  • StopIteration exceptions are not propagated out of coroutines, and are replaced with RuntimeError. For regular generators such behavior requires a future import (see PEP 479).
  • When a native coroutine is garbage collected, a RuntimeWarning is raised if it was never awaited on.

The behavior of existing generator-based coroutines in asyncio remains unchanged.

Differences of native coroutines from generators:

  1. Native coroutine objects do not implement __iter__ and __next__ methods. Therefore, they cannot be iterated over or passed to iter(), list(), tuple() and other built-ins. They also cannot be used in a loop. An attempt to use __iter__ or __next__ on a native coroutine object will result in a TypeError.
  2. Plain generators cannot yield from native coroutines: doing so will result in a TypeError.
  3. Generator-based coroutines (for asyncio code must be decorated with @asyncio.coroutine) can yield from native coroutine objects.
  4. inspect.isgenerator() and inspect.isgeneratorfunction() return False for native coroutine objects and native coroutine functions.

The event loop of asyncio

The spinner example shows the basics: How asyncio starts an event loop, drives coroutines (or tasks) asynchronously, and then gets the results at the proper moment.

The event loop is the central execution device provided by asyncio. It provides multiple facilities, including:

  • Registering, executing and cancelling delayed calls (timeouts).
  • Creating client and server transports for various kinds of communication.
  • Launching subprocesses and the associated transports for communication with an external program.
  • Delegating costly function calls to a pool of threads.

asyncio has more and much more than the spinner. Check the references including great slides and essays.
