
Rolling Back of Git Commits, Only When Working Alone

2017-06-11 08:40:00 +0000


This post summarizes git usage of reverting git commits: Rolling back, edit and fix again, then re-commit to master. git checkout and git reset does this job.

Warning Please use only when you work alone. The usage introduced here completely overwrites master, which means the history (between the latest commit and the commit of the roll-back point) is erased.

The basics

Truly basic commands are listed below.

# initiate a git repository
git init

# do some work, for example
mkdir myfolder
pip freeze > myfolder/requirements.txt

# check the status
git status

# add the modified or the created
git add . # add all (tracked + untracked)
git add -u # add only tracked files

# commit
git commit -m "your commit message"
git commit -am "" # same as: git add -u && git commit -m ""
# then the named branch "master" refers to the latest commit

# push if you use a github repository
git remote add origin
git push origin master

Roll back 1: checkout

git checkout moves HEAD to a certain commit, preserving every work. Once you checkout where you want, a commit of additional work results in another branch (temporary if you are in “detached HEAD” state). Then merging the current HEAD to master will do the job. The official document about “detached HEAD” is recommended to read.

git checkout master^ # just trip to the last commit before latest one (which is master), no branching
git checkout master # return to master, changes in detached HEAD state will be removed
git checkout commitid
# then HEAD refers to that commit

# you can name it by creating a new branch
git checkout -b newbranch
git branch # then check where we are

# after more edits and commits, overwrite this point (detached HEAD) to master
git checkout -B master # override master
# if you want push, use -f flag to force
git push -f origin master

roll back 2: reset

git reset immediately reverts the repository to a certain commit, forgetting every commit history in between. --soft flag preserves the file contents, but --hard does not. Below are simple examples from the official document. See docs for more sophisticated usage of git reset.

# undo the add operation
git reset SOMETHING

# undo the commit operation, but the file edit of the last commit is preserved
git commit # oh, I did something wrong
git reset --soft HEAD^ # remove HEAD history
git status # check the last commit is gone

# completely undo the commits, rolling back all files to a certain commit
git reset --hard HEAD^ # or HEAD~2, implying HEAD^^
git push -f origin master # force to push
